Portfolio > Other Prints

These are prints that are either from other series or stand alone. My prints, with a few exceptions, are made solely or primarily with Charbonnel ink on acid-free papers.

NOTE: Sizes of these online reproductions are not relative to each other. Large paintings can appear as dimensionally lower than paintings that are actually smaller.

Butterfly 18
Monotype on Black German Etch Paper
29 x 8
Butterfly 19
Monotype on Black German Etch Paper
31 x 8
Cumulus Numbulus
Etching on hand-dyed Arches paper
30 x 22 / Image: 23.75x 15.75
18 x 18
Archaeology 1
31 x 11.25
Butterfly 1 Monoprint German Etching iridescent abstract art
Monoprint on Black German Etching paper
11 x 10 inches (approximate)
Butterfly 11 Monoprint German Etching iridescent abstract art
Monoprint on Black German Etching paper
11 x 10 inches (approximate)
Butterfly 4 Monoprint German Etching iridescent abstract art
Monoprint on Black German Etching paper
11 x 10 inches (approximate)
Etching viscosity Fabriano Roma Judith Jamison
Etching (viscosity) on Fabriano Roma paper
19 x 26 inches (bleed print)
Beaches etching carborundum collagraph drypoint Nideggan spitbite soft-ground aquatint Charbonnel
Etching, Collagraph & Drypoint on Nideggan paper
23.25 x 19.75 inches (bleed prints/ no margins)
Lake Superior Beach Carborundum Collagraph on Niddegan paper Charbonnel
Carborundum Collagraph on Niddegan paper
23.25x 19.75 inches (bleed print/no margins)
Stinson Beach etching white-ground Niddegan Charbonnel
Etching (white ground) on Niddegan Paper
23.25x 19.75 inches (bleed print/no margins)
Stinson Beach etching soft-ground spit-bite aquatint on Niddegan paper Charbonnel
Etching (soft ground & spit-bite aquatint) on Niddegan paper
23.25 x 19.75 inches (bleed print/no margins)
Equinox Beach sulphur etching Niddegan paper Charbonnel
Sulphur Etching on Niddegan paper
23.25x 19.75 inches (bleed print/no margins)
etching carborundum collagraph Niddegan paper Charbonnel
Etching, Collagraph, Drypoint on NIddegan paper
23.25x 19.75 inches (bleed print/no margins)
Agni Beach etching carborundum collagraph NIddegan Charbonnel
Etching & Carborundum Collagraph on NIddegan paper
23.25x 19.75 inches
snowrocks (a) spitbite aquatint etching Hahnemühle
Etching (Spit-bite) on Hahnemühle paper
11 x 14 inches w/margins
snowrocks (b) spitbite aquatint etching Hahnemühle
Etching (Spit-bite) on Hahnemühle paper
10 x 14 inches (w/margins)
snowrocks (c) spitbite aquatint etching Hahnemühle
Etching (Spit-bite) on Hahnemühle paper
10 x 14 inches (w/margins)
snowrocks (d) spitbite aquatint etching Hahnemühle
Etching (Spit-bite) on Hahnemühle paper
10 x 14 inches (w/margins)
snowrocks (e) spitbite aquatint etching Hahnemühle
Etching (Spit-bite) on Hahnemühle paper
10 x 14 inches (w/margins)
Storm sulfur etching aquatint on Hahnemuhle Charbonnel
Etching (sulfur, aquatint) on Hahnemühle paper
14 x 18 inches (bleed print/no margins) on Hahnemuhle paper